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Tara and I learn something new when we capture moments like these. We love working on the show and interviewing talented positive individuals. This is what we learned this time, enjoy.

Electronic dance music has grown since its birth. In its early years of the 70's and 80's it has inspired many DJs to pursue a career in music. Today we focus on a group of DJs known as EDM SYNDICATE. Tara and I were very eager to meet with the Florida group. Tara is a DJ herself, so I knew she would have fun discussing common struggles and successes. I was thrilled with the mission of capturing the energy and moments that some often talk about and rarely witness behind the DJ booth. This is our story.

We pulled up to EDM syndicate's home base

outside of Orlando, Florida. It was obvious this was their place of creation. They had five shelves that ran 20ft long and 11ft high, packed with vinyl records. They had years of music, a collection of time and styles that displayed history and passion. Boom boxes and radios from the 80's now could be seen surrounding the room. It gave a nostalgic feeling of respect for music and time. The group was very humble, they welcomed Tara and I. We discussed early inspirations and personal discoveries with the members. It was interesting to hear that most of the members grew up in different parts of America and still listened to the same DJs growing up.

DJ Losman from New York has a strong understanding of what it means to stay loyal to the audience as an entertainer. He encourages other DJs not forget about the crowd or grow a big head. Of course he speaks from the heart and experience. He spoke of a time when he got "his bubble popped ". It was a change that he made to mature as a DJ. DJ Losman has been a DJ since 1995 and openly shares his experiences good and bad. It's not easy to discuss struggles, it is honorable. We believe that DJ Losman can be a mentor for those seeking a career in DJing.

DJ G force found electronic music at an early age in the 80s. He plays a very supportive roll in the group. He discussed the members

abilities to be versatile and how the members can pick up one beat and styles after each other.

DJ Strobe had some very wise words to share. He

spoke of concentrating on being comfortable with yourself and perfecting your own style. Not to be distracted by what other artists may do or produce. He sees emulating other artists that you love hindering your progression as an artist. I took that advice and reflected on my own works. It was encouraging to hear that. It gave me more pride to do the things I do that other filmmakers do not usually do.

DJ Phat Boy discussed his love of music and how he grew up playing different instruments. He also went on to say that EDM Syndicate is all about UNITY. When we asked him about his influences he described how DJ Icey, Magic Mike, Gumby and others have been a part of his musical journey, but what really inspires him is the friendships with the guys from EDM Syndicate and how when challenged they always help to build each other up.

EDM Syndicate is a group of unique and multi-talented individuals who have come together for PURPOSE which is to create unity through music!

We thank each and every member of EDM Syndicate for taking the time out of your schedule to sit down and speak with us, we had a lot of fun!

Stay tuned for PURPOSE Episode 4 featuring EDM Syndicate!

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